The mean of Friendship :)

Assalamualaikum and hey guys. How are you? Fine? Today I'm so tired but I'm still strong. Okay forget about it. It not important. What the story for today? ....... Let's me start about "Friendship". Are you know the mean of friendship? Yeah sure you know but sometimes you forget it.

Then, I want to ask you something how to always be a good friend? How? For me I will always patience, calm, good, kind, happy, respect and anything else to him. Not be jealous and bad to your friends ! It's not good :) I want to advice for you all be brave and honest. Nothing to be shy or lie ;) Okay remember that. Only for today what I can share to you all. I'm sorry because I haven't time to continue this story.. Forgive me. hihi... Good persons  :) I love you guys. Ok, bye-bye. and Happy holidays.

TQ For Reading.