Person who abuse :p

Assalamualaikum and hello guys. How are you? Okay? Yeah today I want to share my story about "Orang Mengumpat". That thing is bad to everyone because its can make Dosa. Please open your heart and think yourself. I will start my story when I hear my frinds are mengumpat about someone else. Then I know who the someone and she is my bestfriend. I know they are liar to me but I never angry with them. I'm patience person. Ok, what anything happen I don't want to hear anything what who person mengumpat someone. Better I just be myself and "Tidak masuk campur hal orang lain" yeah. I must know that. Of course. Okay only this to today. After this I want to eat something and continue my homework. Bye and take care ^^

TQ for reading :)